If the occurrence has a status of "Accepted", it will be managed as an incident. You can view information about this associated incident by doing the following:
- In the details view, click the View Related Incident link at the top-left of the occurrence.
- The Incident record will be displayed.
- Please note if you want to make any changes to it, you will need to so in the Windows version of Q-Pulse.
You can return to the occurrence record by clicking << Back to Occurrence.
Each incident consists of the following:
Summary section
Classification values are used to further categorise the incident for future analysis.
Risk Assessments
Any number of risk assessments can be performed against incidents. For each risk assessment, you can view the performed date, the owner (usually the person who performed it), the risk matrix used, the risk value and any comments that were added.
Incident Stages
Each incident can have any number of stages. Each stage has a unique name and one of the following icons:
- The stage can be worked on (in Windows version of Q-Pulse)
- The stage has been completed. To make changes to it, it must be reopened (in the Windows version of Q-Pulse).
- The stage cannot yet start until a previous stage has been completed.
Each stage consists of the following:
- Target Date - The date by which the stage should be closed.
- Owner - The person responsible for closing the stage.
- Closed Date / By - The date the incident was closed and the person who closed it (if it has a
- Comment
Each stage can also have the following additional information:
- Actions - An action is an individual item of work that must be completed before the stage itself can be closed.
- Findings - These are raised as non-conformances in the CA/PA module. Each action has a number, an owner, target date and details (for the owner). Once the action is completed, it should have a response and a closed date.
- Team Members - These are the users who can be kept informed by Q-Pulse about any changes made to the stage.
- If you wish to view any attachments, notes, costs or electronic signatures assigned to the incident, you will need to use the Windows version of Q-Pulse.